PAT 49
HTML files are nothing more than simple text files, so tostart writing in HTML, you need nothing more than a simpletext editor. Notepad is a common text editor on Windows-basedcomputers (usually found under the Programs > Accessoriesmenu) and Mac OSX computers come bundled with TextEdit butany program that lets you fiddle with text will do.... Be careful. It is important that the extension “.html” isspecified - some text editors, such as Notepad, will automaticallysave it as “.txt” otherwise.You also need to ensure that your file is being saved as plaintext. TextEdit, for example, will start new files as “Rich text”,containing lots of formatting extras, by default. In such cases, gointo the preferences and make sure you check the “Plain text”format option before creating a new file.
(Extraído de HTML Dog – Getting Started –
Uma tradução adequada para a palavra otherwise, no segundo parágrafo, é